Monday, February 23, 2009

Dialy Fundamantal Report 23.02.2009

Control of an aura of calm day on the Great economies around the world where the economic agenda today, free of any data that would be able to move the markets, and according to economic data we expect it to be very quiet this week, in contrast to the past weeks of economic and data bus, which was important and dynamics of the markets, and show that these economies have been surrendered to the superpower's economic recession deepened in it at this time without the presence of a glimmer of hope that ultimately refers to the close
Expectations surrounding the U.S. economy suggest that the recent economic recession experienced by the current United States of America may be the worst in more than 30 years since the sharp deterioration in the levels of consumer confidence and reluctance on the expenditure due to the rise in unemployment levels have led to an alarming erosion of all the positive effects of all financial plans and standards adopted by the U.S. government to help its economy, the murdered, and although the U.S. government has finally agreed to pass the recovery plan of America of Mr. Barack Obama, which many expected to be the last hope for the U.S. economy out of the current impasse We find that economic conditions in the European region did not differ at all from the U.S. economy but on the contrary, they are the most deteriorated and that suffer from major economies within the European region of the defect and severe economic decline, without any positive signs, and in contrast to the U.S. economy, which is expected to begin recovery of its own with the end of last year, we find that the European region will remain confined within the economic recession at the end of this year and early next year
The main reason for the time being for the continued economic decline in all parts of the world is the lack of consumer and investor confidence in the current situation which leads them to want to constantly spending within or outside the country, and governments must restore the confidence lost to this world again if the actually wants to resolve the current crisis is exacerbated by the recent alarming.
Finally, we find that the American stock indexes have suffered severely during the closing on Friday the result of the deterioration in the financial sector, especially the Bank of Citigroup Inc after the high expectations on the government to buy a new part of the bank's shares to help it overcome its present plight, and had fallen value of the bank's shares by 22%.
The main reason for the time being for the continued economic decline in all parts of the world is the lack of consumer and investor confidence in the current situation which leads them to want to constantly spending within or outside the country, and governments must restore the confidence lost to this world again if the actually wants to resolve the current crisis is exacerbated by the recent alarming

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